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Latest articles: Tech


The latest articles for this subsite.

Locales and the CLDR
The Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) is a comprehensive set of functionality that is included with PHP via its intl extension.
Fluid design
Websites need to adapt to a whole range of screen sizes, and CSS does all the heavy lifting for that.
Iterating to a solution
Sometimes it takes a few attempts to get something right.
User interface
There are several decisions to be made when designing the user interface (UI).
Sometimes, there are some things that have no explanation.
Minifying is the reducing of unnecessary information to minimise transmission and browser-processing times.
Facing the home straight
There comes a point in a project where it dawns that the end is close, but the activity seems to ramp up.
Using technical references
Of course, any new product will involve a lot of novel arrangements of new ideas with information from technical references.
While a product has some core functionality, there are many facilities that it can also provide.
Using AI effectively
Modern AI is designed for finding relevant information and presenting it. They do not actually know much!
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