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Smallsite Design


Category: Basics


There are always some very basic choices to be made when undertaking a project.

1Picking the philosophy
The philosophy behind a product is critical, as it contains the criteria by which all decisions about the product are made.
Picking the target audience sets the scope of the product, as it really defines what needs to be included, and excluded, when deciding upon what functionality to provide.
One of the earliest decisions to make is what technologies to use, as that is dependent upon not only availability and skillset, but also what must be used.
Having established the technologies, next is what tools to develop them with.
5Data structure
Web sites consist of pages and media, like images. How and where they are stored, and how they are accessed, is critical to smooth site operation.
6Implementation order
There are many ways to develop a product, with what works best dependent upon skills.
While most sites want as much information from site visitors as possible, Smallsite Design focuses on the opposite.
Minifying is the reducing of unnecessary information to minimise transmission and browser-processing times.
While a product has some core functionality, there are many facilities that it can also provide.
Most editors are basically text editors with some facility to format. However, treating a page as just a mass of text makes editing unstable.
Many products are designed for the majority, assuming that everyone else can adapt to the extent that their abilities allow. However, those with a different neurology often cannot adapt.
12User interface
There are several decisions to be made when designing the user interface (UI).
13Use the software
Usually software is made by developers that do not use the software itself for its intended purpose.
Statistics play a role in helping to understand how visitors use a site, but they need to be useful for that role.
When it comes to selling, most will want to go for the cheapest, but there are tradeoffs with that that can bring a lot of later headaches.
One of the major design criteria was to minimise how much private information was gathered, and this extended to licensing.
17Facing the home straight
There comes a point in a project where it dawns that the end is close, but the activity seems to ramp up.
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